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What is social media marketing?

...(content) in a targeted and efficient manner and to publish it. Thereby different content-Formates such as texts, images, videos or other media are used. Community Management In social media marketing, the...

GAIO: How your brand stands out in AI chatbots like ChatGPT and co considered useful or informative. Manually built backlinks: These links are created through deliberate linking activities, for example by bloggers or influencers-Outreach. Self-generated backlinks: Website owners create these links through blog comments, Forcontributions...

Controlling indexing in WordPress: How and why? 

...optimize PageRank flow without indexing the content itself. Private or protected areas For content that should only be accessible to certain user groups, you can use plugins or Passportuse word protection. This...

What is a video platform?

...make. The most prominent examples of video platforms are YouTube, Vimeo and Dailymotion. How video platforms work Video platforms offer the opportunity to share videos in various formats. Forformats and quality levels. The platforms convert the uploaded files into...


...but also simple things like the vacuum cleaner, dishwasher or air conditioning system. If the capacities are not sufficient, green electricity is simply used. Another option for an environmentally friendly corporate culture at the Formovement...

What is a 301 redirect?

The 301 redirect, also known as 301 redirect, is an HTTP status code that indicates a permanent relocation of a specific website. In the field of search engine optimization (SEO), this type of redirect plays an important...

What is a 302 forwarding?

A 302 redirect, also known as a temporary redirect, is a type of HTTP status code that indicates that a requested URL is temporarily redirected to another URL. This can occur, for example, during maintenance work,...

SEO texts and copywriting

...keywords in a given Form appear. Keywords are terms that potential customers use to search for the company's offer on the Internet. Whether the customer only needs a few texts...

What is a CSS Selector?

A CSS selector is a combination of elements, attributes, classes, IDs and pseudo-classes that can be used to identify and ForCSS selectors can be used to format HTML elements in a website. With CSS selectors, web designers and developers can...

7 fantastic web design trends in 2021

...Standard-Layout and design templates The Internet is developing rapidly and is becoming increasingly complex. A good web design must be suitable for all device sizes. passen. If you reinvent the wheel for every new web design project...

What is a landing page?

...outline and convince the visitor of its value Clear and memorable call-to-action buttons that prompt the visitor to take a specific action, such as filling out a Formulars or the purchase...

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