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Professional article series about mobile WebApps

Series of specialist articles on the development ofon mobile WebApps and websites for I am currently working on a series of technical articles dealing with the development ofon mobile web applications (so-called WebApps) and websites....

Avoid these productivity traps at work maintain the commitment. The combination All of these aspects enable employees to make the most of the benefits of the modern world of work and at the same time lead a balanced life between work and leisure....

PSD to WordPress

...which includes layout (including instructions on dimensions, alignment and text flow) as well as visual elements and Formation. 3) Implementation of the screen design as a template (HTML5 / CSS3 source code) Sense and purpose...

What is Google Analytics and how is it used?

...views of individual pages, dwell time, bounce rate and click behavior; conversion data: Number of goals achieved or sales completed. How is Google Analytics used? To use Google Analytics on a website, you must first...

What is a blog?

A blog, short for weblog, is a kind of Online diary or Online magazine in which authors regularly publish articles, often called posts, in chronological order. Blogs can be based on a...

jQuery Simple FadeSlideShow - Pluginsite

My jQuery plugin Simple FadeSlideShow has its own little plugin web page as of today: The new plugin page provides comprehensive documentationon to the plugin and offers a clear overview of the...


...can only recommend the service and the good work. Dag Reinbott Services included among others anderem: Consulting and support throughout the entire project phase WordPress theme creation, setup and configurationon

12 SEO mistakes when relaunching a website

...since both the old and the new insuron of the website remain accessible. This causes competition between the two versions, which can have a negative impact on search engine rankings. As...

VDE Medical Software

VDE Medical Software For the VDE - Verband of Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies e.V., the Community and portal project "VDE Medical Software" was conceived, designed and implemented on the basis of von WordPress and the...

WordPress updates - update your website correctly

...the Installation and updating von Plugins During the installationon and updating von Plugins, caution is advised, as innovations and changes can be introduced that are not always beneficial. Especially with...

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