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WordPress Agency

...become. Thanks to the more than 30,000 free Open source plugins/extensions (+ several thousand commercial extensions), some of which also originate from our company, WordPress is perfectly suited to...

What is a content management system (CMS)?

...You See Is What You Get) - Users can edit the content directly without using HTML code. Templates - Prefabricated, customizable designs facilitate the design of the website. Extension modules (plugins)...

What is a Google Search Console? unreadable layout or missing meta tags. AMP validation: For Websites that use Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP), the Google Search Console provides an AMP validation tool to ensure that the AMP version of the Website error-free and...

App development for iOS and Android.

...and Android, using the multiplatform framework Cordova or Phonegap. On this basis, native apps can be developed that can be implemented with comparatively little effort.and are executable on all current mobile platforms. As a result...

What is web hosting?

...can: Shared web hosting: Several users share a Websites the same server and the resources available for it. This is a cost-effective option for smaller Websites with low traffic volumes. Virtual Private Server (VPS):...

What is an FTP client?

...files easier. Users can easily drag and drop files-and-Drop transfer. Time saving: The ability to transfer multiple files at the same time speeds up the upload and download process. Download-process and saves time. Security: Most FTP clients offer...

Newsletter & Email Marketing

...our expertise. We offer individual solutions with which you can achieve successful email marketing without much effort.and can operate. Whether for the area E-Commerce or to disseminate important information - newsletters apply...

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