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12 SEO mistakes when relaunching a website

...ensure that all old URLs are properly redirected to the corresponding new URLs to minimize the loss of SEO value. Monitor crawl errors: Use Tools like Google Search Console to...

What is an anchor text?

...href=""&gt;Ladies shoes</a>" Generic anchor text: The anchor text consists of generic terms such as "here" or "more information". Example: "<a href="/en/““/">Here</a> there is a large selection of shoes." Branded Anchor Text: For...


...around 66%. This makes it one of the most important and best systems in the field of content management systems (content management for websites & online stores). With millions of Downloads daily and a large Community...

8 effective marketing methods for B2B lead generation 

...and requires a targeted approach in order to turn interested parties into actual buyers. Difference between B2B and B2C B2B (Business-to-business): The term B2B stands for "Business-to-Business" and describes transactions between companies....

What is a whitepaper?

...and an attractive visual design are of great importance. Use of whitepapers in online marketing In online marketing, whitepapers are often used as a Form of content marketing used to enhance the credibility and...

What is social media marketing?

Social media marketing (SMM) is a Form of online marketing, in which social networks such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn and andere are used to increase the visibility of companies or brands in the...

Is your WordPress security sufficient?

...your page can be set to the stateand can be restored beforehand. Plugins or andere Tools can sometimes cause problems, before an update it is advisable to create a backup,...

What is actually good web design?

...Umstand affect the attractiveness and acceptance of the website. As it turns out, the influence of web design goes beyond the visual appeal to the target group and includes other details that make a...

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