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8 effective marketing methods for B2B lead generation 

...and requires a targeted approach in order to turn interested parties into actual buyers. Difference between B2B and B2C B2B (Business-to-Business): The term B2B stands for "business-to-business" and describes transactions between companies....

Create successful about us pages

...the Website be accessible from. Structured presentation: A division into sub-pages, such as "Company stories", "Philosophy" and "Team", can increase clarity. Show personality: Photos of employees and personal stories are more effective...

WordPress & DSGVO / Data Protection

...are to be used. In the corporate sector, this applies to the regular employee-employer relationship, company websites, online stores and service providers who use the Internet for orders. Whether customer orders, e-mail campaigns or user tracking, the topic is...


Websites not only look good, they also work technically flawlessly and lead measurably to more inquiries and sales thanks to higher visibility. Were we able to convince you with our references?...

Data processing agreement: data protection and customer trust

...personal data that is stored on this Website are collected. An AV contract is therefore necessary. Email marketing tools If you send newsletters, these services process email addresses and possibly other information from your customers. External accounting software...

WordPress course

...Creating WordPress backups Setting up and using security in WordPress plugins Plugin recommendations and much more. Overview of topics and content of the WordPress course: 1 Introduction To start with, you will receive basic information about the course,...

Performance optimization Visitors and customers expect fast access to information, services and products. Whether desktop and Highspeed Internet or mobile device in the subway with mediocre reception. Websites and online services must be...

SEO: How the loading time influences the ranking

SEO: How the loading time influences the ranking

...valuable potential and leaves existing resources unused. Regular loading time checks are necessary Search engine optimization is not a one-way street. The requirements of the target group, but also the co-ethics and ranking requirements of Google & Co. are...

Password managers: A guide to improving your online security

...improve their password hygiene and protect their online accounts from unauthorized access. Security aspects of password managers include end-to-end encryption, two-factor authentication, security checks and alerts, protection against phishing attacks, local storage and zero-knowledge architecture, as well as...

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Sustainability & Marketing Sustainability & Marketing go with us Hand in Hand. This applies not only to sustainable marketing successes, but also to our personal footprint on this planet. Sustainable Marketing &...

Types of marketing - traditional to digital Examples of B2C marketing strategies include online advertising campaigns on social media, personalized email marketing campaigns and TV commercials targeting broad consumer segments. These strategies aim to generate a direct response, such as a purchase...

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