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What does User Experience (UX) mean?

...Create wireframes and prototypes: Prior to developing the actual website, wireframes and prototypes can help to shape the design and navigation of testand optimize them. Usability tests perform: Users should...

Is your WordPress security sufficient?

...the risk of suddenly being confronted with a malfunctioning website. Properly securing the WordPress backend / admin area Passportwords and user names - a major vulnerability The use of secure Passportwords and user names...

Automation and AI / AI integration

...that we are striving to achieve. AI models are fortschrittlich, but require human expertise to develop their full potential. Particularly when it comes to legally sensitive issues, such as compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR),...

What is actually good web design?

...of the viewer. Only if the web design suits your industry and your company passt, it will establish itself and appeal to your target group. Beyond these aspects, there are a few basic details that...

What is Responsive Design?

What is Responsive Design?

...include the size of the display, the resolution, the Forand certain technical options, such as input by finger, voice, etc. During implementation, it is essential that the layout and...

What is an XML feed?

...existing elements. Automated processing: Thanks to the standardized Formats, XML feeds can be easily generated from Computers and applications can be read, enabling automatic updating and distribution of content. Understandable structure: Although...

What is an MP4 file?

...smaller than files in other Formates with equivalent video and audio quality. Nevertheless, it should be noted that each Format has its specific areas of application. For example, the MKV-Format when storing high quality...

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