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Tip Calculator - iOS / Android App

...selection for different currencies Services: Concepton the app and Icon Design implementation based on Cordova Publishing under iOS and Android Have we aroused your interest? Let's talk together...

jQuery Simple FadeSlideShow 2.0

...of the SlideShow count under anderem: Autoplay functionon Next buttonon Back-Button Play/pause buttonon Keyboard control High customizability via CSS List control of sliders The buttons and lists can be generated automatically or individually by the user.

What is an MP4 file?

...also andere Formates such as AVI, MKV, MOV and WMV. Compared to these alternative ForMP4 has a number of advantages: Greater compatibility: MP4 is compatible on both mobile and desktop devices.


...from the store software WooCommerce and CMS WordPress. The perfect store solution for everyone If you only have a small Online store or do you work as a professional mail order company? The requirements for your web presence...

What is Native Advertising?

...or Twitter offer their own native advertising-Forsuch as sponsored posts or in-feed ads. Content discovery platforms: Providers such as Outbrain or Taboola place native ads in Form von Content recommendations on the websites von Partner-Publishers....

Newsletter & Email Marketing

...also the management and evaluation ofon Email marketing. Both the database with the addressees or social media connections, as well as the option of sendingand of a newsletter in advance or...

Customer Alliance

Customer Alliance CA Customer Alliance GmbH is a software company based in Berlin and operating in 35 countries. Online reputation management, market research and customer surveys available...

What is a SERP? the bottom of the results page or in a column on the right-hand side. These ads are paid for by pay-per-click (PPC) or andere Online advertising models. Local search results: Search engines like Google...

What does SEO mean?

...and the requirements of the various search engine algorithms. On-Page and off-page SEO SEO measures can be divided into two main categories: On-Page and off-page SEO. On-Page SEO includes all optimization measures that...

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