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Social Media

Social media and local business profile Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare, Google Maps and more - we can help you get noticed on social networks and local business directories. Social media marketing Your marketing-Tor...

CodeIgniter Shop

...revised and subjected to a relaunch. The entire e-Commerce system was to be completely revised both visually and technically. The new store website impresses with a fresh, modern and above all clear design, as well as...

Search Engine Optimization SEO engine results pages (SERPs) from Google, Bing and andTo reach more search engines, you can place advertisements. However, this is relatively expensive and costs you money per click. The goal of search engine optimization, often...

Five good reasons for WordPress

...Office & Co.. Formatizing, inserting images and videos, and linking andering pages are no problem. With the optional moderation mode, you have the possibility to edit your colleagues'...

How can I best reach potential new customers on the Internet customers. To turn prospects into customers, it is important that you display all relevant company information, such as contact details, address, opening hours and telephone number, on prominent advertising media.enter place on the website. There...

JRC Capital Management

JRC Capital Management At JRC Capital Management Consultancy & Research GmbH is a Berlin-based financial services company in the field of asset management/asset management, which was founded in 1994 by Dipl....


Sustainability & Marketing Sustainability & Marketing go with us Hand in Hand. This applies not only to sustainable marketing successes, but also to our personal footprint on this planet. Sustainable Marketing &...

The best WordPress performance plugins making various technical adjustments that would often be very time-consuming to do manually. You can use andimprove image compression, minimize code and make data caching more efficient.enter design. In the...

Tip Calculator - iOS / Android App

Tip calculator - iOS / Android App Tip is a small but very helpful and modern app for your next vacation, trip or restaurant visit. Tip helps you with the...

What is a DNA?

...".com" in the example. The root name server then gives the resolver the address of an authoritative name server for the domain Finally, the resolver asks the authoritative name server for the IP address for the...

What is an MP4 file?

...smaller than files in anderen Formates with equivalent video and audio quality. Nevertheless, it should be noted that each Format has its specific areas of application. For example, the MKV-Format when storing high quality...

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