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E-learning streaming portal

E-learning streaming portal

E-learning streaming portal Video streaming portal based on CodeIgniter On behalf of an external agency, one of the most modern and innovative streaming and Download-portals for learners, creatives and users. These are...

SEO content marketing: tips for top rankings

...Long-term advantages of SEO - Content - Marketing The long-term advantages are obvious.and. Compared to paid advertising (SEA = Search Engine Advertising / Search Engine Advertising) are the costs...

simpleCE (mini CMS)

...would see as a normal user. So there is no complex backend, no complicated settings or andere obstacles. The system was designed in such a way that you don't have to follow a complex template...

Responsive web design

...concept with which you are positioned economically efficient and reach new customers. Address potential customers with your website not only on the home Computer or in the office but...

The major social networks and how best to use them

...registered visitors, the video platform is therefore one of the most influential social networks. Publishers who upload moving images here must therefore manage the channel just like all andother social media profile treat: Content...

WordPress Agency

...system (CMS). Compared to many other systems, WordPress websites are andsystems with relatively little effort.and to maintain and install. This results in a clear cost advantage andsystems towards....

App development for iOS and Android.

App development for iOS and Android. We plan and develop your smartphone / tablet app with the multiplatform framework Cordova / Phonegap. App development for iOS and Android Devices In the...

Automation and AI / AI integration

...such as chatbots for automated customer contact, personalized marketing campaigns through precise data analysis and content generation tools that create high-quality texts based on your specifications are just a few examples of Tools that drive your business forward...

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