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What is an HTML tag? a short summary of the page content for search engines, or meta information for indexing guidance for search engines (robots meta tag).

, ,
: These tags can be used to divide website content into logical sections,...

What is an iFrame?

...can be used. These include anderem: HTML5 video and audio tags: For embedding multimedia content JavaScript apis: For dynamic loading of content and interaction with web services CSS: For styling and customizing...

What is a Lightbox?

...of lightboxes can also include relevant search engine optimization (SEO) aspects. For example, all images and videos displayed in a lightbox should be provided with meaningful alt texts and titles in order to be recognized by...

What does Responsive Design mean?

...and online marketing strategies. How does responsive design work? Responsive design is based on so-called media queries, which enable web designers to define different CSS rules for different device classes and screen sizes. These rules determine...


...are aimed equally at companies, agencies, media professionals and the self-employed. Bajorat Media: 15 years of expertise Learning from the professionals: For over 15 years, Pascal Bajorat and his dedicated team have been developing...

Community Rickenbach

Municipality of Rickenbach For the municipality of Rickenbach, from the Swiss canton of Lucerne, the municipality portal was technically designed and developed based on WordPress. The portal provides for the inhabitants of the municipality...

What is outbound marketing?

...potential customers, e.g. through telephone calls, e-mails or personal visits. Advertising: This includes the purchase of advertisements in various media, such as print media, online advertising, television and radio advertising. Direct mail:...

What is a sticky header?

...users into the website and the company behind it. Conversion optimization: Sticky headers can help to increase conversions, for example by keeping a call-to-action button (CTA) visible that encourages visitors to...

What is a privacy policy?

...of the EU. In Germanyand the Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG) is the national implementation of the GDPR and supplements the European provisions. Content of a data protection declaration In a data protection declaration are among anderem following...

What is a slider?

...that are based on the WordPress content management system (CMS), sliders can be integrated using plugins or integrated functions of the theme used. There are numerous free and paid slider plugins that make it easy to create...

What is organic traffic?

...targeted search engine optimization (SEO). Some effective methods are Keyword optimization: identifying relevant keywords for the respective industry and integrating these keywords into the website content, meta tags and image alt texts. High-quality content: Creation of...

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