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What is a 301 redirect? search engines have difficulty assessing the relevance of the different versions of a page. Maintaining link popularity: The permanent redirection also ensures that all incoming links areon from the old to the new...

What is a 302 forwarding?

A 302 forwarding, also known as temporary forwarding, is a type of von HTTP status code that indicates that a requested URL has been temporarily sent to a andredirected to a different URL. This can occur, for example, during maintenance work,...

What is a Robots.txt file?

...and usually contains one or more rules that are based on von user agents can be defined. User agents are identifiers von search engine crawlers, such as Googlebot or Bingbot, which are von the...

What is web design? build up. In the development ofon Websites make use of various disciplines such as graphic design, interface design, programming and search engine optimization (SEO). The importance ofon Web design An appealing and user-friendly web design is essential for the...

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