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What is a mega menu?

A mega menu is an extended Form of a conventional drop-down menu that appears in the navigation of a web page. It provides users with a clear and structured view of various categories and subcategories of a web presence....

What is an imprint?

...e.g. lawyers, doctors, tax consultants): Details of the responsible chamber, professional title and the responsible supervisory authority Value added tax identification number in accordance with § 27a UStG, if available Business identification number in accordance with § 139c Abgabenordnung, if available When is a...

What is Growth Hacking?

...successful marketing expert, who works under anderem has worked at companies such as Dropbox and LogMeIn. Ellis realized that traditional marketing methods were not enough to keep up with the rapid growth in the digital world....

What is a sales funnel?

...(decision) and purchase (action). Awareness phase (customer approach) The awareness phase is the first step in the sales funnel and refers to the number of potential customers who respond to a company's...

What does User Experience (UX) mean?

User experience (UX) refers to the experience a user has when interacting with a website, application or product. The aim of UX design is to improve the user-friendliness, efficiency and...

What are meta tags and why are they important?

...and contain the main keyword of the page. Meta titles should be 60 characters or less. Meta description: The meta description is a short text that summarizes the content of a web page. It is included in the...

What is Google Analytics and how is it used?

...a Google Analytics account must be created. A tracking code is then generated, which must be integrated into the website. This code is usually inserted in the header or body area of every HTML document, andotherwise...

What is a CDN?

...images, videos, stylesheets or JavaScript files, stored redundantly on several servers worldwide and delivered to the end user from the nearest server. How does a CDN work? A CDN consists of so-called edge servers, which...

What is a PageRank?

...ranking of the page in the search results. The name PageRank goes back to one of Google's founders, Larry Page. The PageRank algorithm takes into account the number and quality of links that point to a website...

Young Union Berlin

Young Union Berlin

...of the Junge Union Berlin. Services: Concept for design Website-Design Technical implementation WordPress Theme creation Search engine optimization Ongoing maintenance Have we piqued your interest? Let's tackle your project together!...

What is a domain?

...the main domain, which makes it possible to define different areas of a website, e.g. Domain name: The actual name of the website, e.g. examplewebsite. Top-level domain (TLD): The highest level of the domain...

What is a Content Delivery Network (CDN)?

...that have a large audience that is geographically dispersed, as well as for content that needs to load quickly, such as online stores, media-Websites or information portals. CDNs are also important for companies that...

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