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What is a long tail keyword? intent of the searcher. For example, an online store for bicycles can use the long-tail keyword 'mountain bike for women in Berlin' instead of the generic term 'bicycle' in order to attract more targeted visitors. Advantages...

What is a meta description?

The meta description is an HTML attribute that is placed in the meta tags of a web page to provide a brief summary of the page's content for search engines and users. This...

What is influencer marketing?

...adjust them if necessary. Influencer marketing in combination with andInfluencer marketing should not be used in isolation, but in combination with other marketing measures. anderen online marketing strategies such as SEO, SEA and social media marketing are used to create a...

What is a podcast?

...These platforms make it possible to publish, categorize and integrate the episodes into RSS feeds (XML files) used by podcast directories, apps and platforms to manage and subscribe to podcasts....

What is a cookie notice?

...The need for cookie notices arises from legal requirements, in particular from the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the ePrivacy Directive. These laws require website operators to inform their users about the use of...

What is a .htaccess file?

...and Litespeed web servers, but also used by some andsupported on all server platforms. The name ".htaccess" stands for "Hypertext Access" and refers to the fact that it controls access to web content....

Artificial intelligence: the key to optimizing your SEO work

Artificial intelligence: the key to optimizing your SEO work

...simplify and make them more productive. AI tools that promise a "real-time market analysis" perfectly personalized user experience and "SEO at the touch of a button" have experienced a real boom, driven by the hype around AI technologies such as ChatGPT,...

What is an SSL certificate?

...sufficient. Organization-validated certificates (OV): OV certificates require additional checks of the organization, such as company registration. As a result, they offer a higher level of trust than DV certificates. Extended Validation (EV) certificates: EV certificates undergo an even stricter validation process...

What is an RSS feed? follow them all together. Advantages of RSS feeds Quick access to information: RSS feeds make it possible to quickly retrieve new content from a website without having to visit the entire website each time. User-friendliness: RSS readers and aggregators...

What is a comment thread?

A comment thread refers to the hierarchical structure of online comments or discussions that take place on social networks, blogs, Foren and anderen platforms that promote interaction between Internet users. A thread...

What is an IP address?

...dynamic IP addresses are usually assigned to end-user devices, such as desktop-Comcomputers or smartphones. Public and private IP addresses IP addresses can also be classified as public or private. Public IP addresses are accessible from the entire Internet.

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