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What is a podcast?

...which they can access anytime and anywhere. Podcast-Formate podcasts are available in many different Formates and genres, including interviews, roundtables, news, education, entertainment, and storytelling. In virtually every...

What is an SSL certificate?

...are issued. Advantages of SSL certificates Security: SSL certificates protect confidential information such as credit card numbers, Passportand customers' personal data from hackers and data thieves. Authentication: SSL certificates ensure that communication only takes place with...

The major social networks and how best to use them

...created Communities create a feeling of identification, which promotes business success enormously. When it comes to social media marketing, however, it's better to use one or two platforms in a strategically well thought-out way instead of...

my code

...absolutely for private archives and collections. With my code a good balance is struck between private code collection and snippets intended for sharing. The basic structure of my code

What is an IP address? that they arrive at the intended recipient. IP addresses are a fundamental part of Internet technology and enable devices such as Computers, smartphones and servers to communicate with each other. Types of IP addresses There are...

What is inbound marketing?

...webinars) Social media marketing Lead nurturing and email marketing Landing pages and conversion optimization Why is inbound marketing important? In contrast to traditional, intrusive marketing methods such as cold calling or "Outbound marketing", inbound marketing follows the principle that you...

What is a wireframe? developed. Promote a user-friendly design by showing the hierarchy of content and user guidance on the page. Structure of a wireframe A wireframe typically consists of the following elements: Layout:

What is a Google Search Console? unreadable layout or missing meta tags. AMP validation: For websites that use Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP), the Google Search Console offers an AMP validation tool to ensure that the AMP version of the website is error-free and...

What is a content management system (CMS)?

...CMS, users can easily insert text, images, videos and other media content, as well as customize the structure and layout of the system.out of a web page without having to deal directly with the underlying HTML code, CSS...

What is link building? considered unnatural by Google and can have negative effects. Outreach and PR work: Good public relations work can lead to journalists, bloggers or opinion leaders talking about a company or its...

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