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What is a comment thread?

A comment thread refers to the hierarchical structure von Online comments or discussions posted on social networks, blogs, Foren and andplatforms that facilitate the interaction between Internet users. A thread...

What is an Evergreen browser? enable security. In summary, Evergreen browsers facilitate the Online experience for users, web developers and web designers, as they are always up to date with the latest developments.and of web technologies and the updating of the browser insurance areon automated....

SPD Parliamentary Group in the Leverkusen City Council

...CSS3 adaptation of the website to WordPress development von Additional modules (member management) WordPress customization and individualization Social media integration Search engine optimization Have we piqued your interest? Let's tackle your project together!... - SPD faction Leverkusen - SPD-Fraktion Leverkusen On behalf of the SPD parliamentary groupon the logo, as well as the website for the information offered by the Aktion "Tunnel instead of stilt" was created. The website...

WordPress Agency

...system (CMS). Compared to many other systems, WordPress websites are andsystems with relatively little effort.and to maintain and install. This results in a clear cost advantage andsystems towards....

Web design and conception

...makes it easier for the customer to find the right product within von seconds to a andto switch to a different provider. Web design and concepton: Our web designers develop your concept Significance of the website as an advertising medium The website is a...

What is an imprint?

...they are updated regularly and have a certain reach. Social media profiles must also comply with the legal notice requirements. How should an imprint be designed? The legal notice should be easy to find and...

What is Growth Hacking?

...led to strong growth for the company. Airbnb used the Craigslist platform to make its offer accessible to a wider audience in the early days. By making the publication ofon Offered on...

Hosting Base

...order form Development of the dynamic configurators as a WordPress plugin Development of the order forms as an extension for Gravity Forms Domain check for order process Have we aroused your interest? Let us tackle your project together!...

What is a P3P header?

...automatically interpreted and presented to users in an understandable Form, saving users time and effort. Automated decision support: With the help of von P3P allows web browsers to automatically decide whether to display certain websites and...

Quiz system / game for diBew

Quiz system / game for diBew The Scientific Society for Management and Consulting (WGMB) is a Forprivately sponsored research institute. They analyze current management and consulting topics and evaluate the competencies of managers.on

Prices & Costs

...individual projects you will receive von We also always provide a customized offer. We offer various price models depending on the requirements and scope of your projects: Fixed price For clearly defined tasks and a manageable...

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