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Lekker energy

Lekker energy store, intranet, tariff calculator, quiz, and much more. We have been supporting Lekker Energie GmbH (part of SWK Stadtwerke Krefeld AG) since 2020 in the further development and maintenance of the corporate-Blogs (Lekker Energieladen) and...

VDE Medical Software

VDE Medical Software For the VDE - Verband of Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies e.V., the Community and portal project "VDE Medical Software" conceived, designed and built on WordPress and...

What is retargeting?

Retargeting, also known as remarketing, is an online marketing strategy that companies can use to target customers who have already used their Website have already visited. These users are targeted again with personalized advertising,...

Activate WordPress debug mode

...define('WP_DEBUG', true); Additional debugging options To get even more detailed information, you can add more lines. Under the line define('WP_DEBUG', true);, add another one with the following content: define('WP_DEBUG_LOG',...

What is a parallax effect?

...and the user experience of a Website to improve your website. There are several WordPress themes and plugins that support parallax effects or are specifically designed for parallax designs. It is important to consider the pros and cons of...

What is Mobile SEO? emphasize the relevance of mobile SEO. For this reason, it is advisable to pay attention to the following aspects when implementing a mobile SEO strategy: Responsive design: The Website should automatically...

What are Broken Links?

...B. Google Search Console, specialized broken link checkers or plugins that are integrated into content management systems (CMS) such as WordPress. The elimination of broken links can be achieved by updating or removing the links, redirecting to...

What is a plugin?

...from Websites to make it easier. Popular CMS platforms such as WordPress offer a variety of plugins that help to implement specific marketing measures such as SEO (search engine optimization), SEA (Search Engine Advertising) and social media marketing to implement and...

What is a Rich Snippet?

...which are displayed depending on the type of content and the stored structured data. Some examples of common rich snippets are: Products: Prices, availability, ratings Recipes: Ratings, preparation time, calorie information Events: Date,...

What is a Responsive Web Design? to be adapted. This means that the content and displays of a website for different devices such as desktop-Comcomputers, laptops, tablets and smartphones to provide a user-friendly and easily navigable experience.

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