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What is Native Advertising? can be articles, lists, videos or andere multimedia Formate act. Advertising note: Although native advertising is an unobtrusive form of advertising, ads must be labeled according to legal requirements. Common labels...

What is a favicon?

...64×64 pixels. In the meantime, there are also numerous online-Tools and generators that help you to create a favicon in different Forand sizes to make it suitable for different browsers and devices.

What is Google Hummingbird?

...Hummingbird update, Google is able to more efficiently analyze the content of web pages and its relationship to a specific search query.enter to analyze. This allows the search engine to better understand the user's...

What is a content management system (CMS)?

...or andother programming languages. Functions of a content management system A CMS usually offers a variety of functions that make the website creation process more efficient.enter and more user-friendly. Typical functions are WYSIWYG editor (What...

What is a hamburger menu?

A hamburger menu is a Form of navigation on a web page, used mainly on mobile devices and responsive web designs. It consists of an icon made of three horizontal...

What is a video platform?

...shared by users and posted on anderen websites can be integrated. Some platforms also offer additional functions such as creating playlists, subscribing to channels anderer users or adding...

What is an IP address? that they arrive at the intended recipient. IP addresses are a fundamental part of Internet technology and enable devices such as Computers, smartphones and servers to communicate with each other. Types of IP addresses There are...

Web design for tax consultant

...outstandingly well. The following applies here: the more trustworthy the overall impression, theto better. The clearer the performance overview, theto more likely that interested parties will linger on your website. And the phase of active customer acquisition begins...


Bajorat Media | Blog Would you like to learn how you can reach new customers and increase your sales through targeted web design & online marketing? Have we piqued your interest? Let...

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