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What is a Robots.txt file?

...file are addressed. The rules contain instructions in Form of Disallow and Allow directives to block or unblock certain areas of a page for crawling. Example of a Robots.txt file User-agent: \*...

What is an RSS feed?

An RSS feed, also known as Really Simple Syndication, Rich Site Summary, or RDF Site Summary, is a standardized Format for publishing regularly updated content, such as blog posts, news articles or...

What is an XML feed?

...existing elements. Automated processing: Thanks to the standardized Formats, XML feeds can be easily generated from Computers and applications can be read, enabling automatic updating and distribution of content. Understandable structure: Although...

What is a permalink?

...references the specific resource. For example, the permalink of an agency website for a blog post about SEO measures might look like this: The structure of permalinks may vary depending on how a web page...

What are talking URLs?

...and phrases together. They are logically structured and often use keywords that describe the content of the respective page. For example, from the URL "" it is easy to deduce that it is...

jQuery Simple FadeSlideShow

...// Time until a new image is shown (1000 = 1 second) }); }); For more information, see the corresponding jQuery project page: A demo is available here:

jQuery Simple FadeSlideShow 2.0

...has been significantly extended and the script has been optimized. You can find the demo of the script on the following website: Furthermore, there is a comprehensive documentation on Among the new features...

What is CSS optimization?

...code should be well organized and structured to facilitate maintenance and further development. Use of Shorthand-Features: Shorthand-Properties allow you to simplify and condense CSS instructions by combining multiple properties into a single...

How good landing pages are built

...and the design of the landing page is not a general guide to the Hand be given, since, for example, a page for fashion andis easier to design than a landing page for coaching. Image source: Pixabay...

Horizon fair

Horizon fair

Horizon Messe In cooperation with Dawico Deutschland GmbH (IT Infrastructure) the web portal for SCOPE Messestrategie GmbH (Horizon Messe) was implemented. As WordPress specialized agencies we have lead the...

What is a PHP?

...many popular CMS such as WordPress, Joomla and Drupal. With PHP as the backbone, users can easily manage and update content without the need for programming knowledge. E-Commerce platforms: Webshops like Magento, WooCommerce and PrestaShop...

Increase WordPress security

...of login attempts makes it considerably more difficult for attackers to penetrate your admin area through guessing or automated attacks. Prevention of brute-Force attacks: The limitation reduces the effectiveness of brute-Force attacks in which attempts are made to...

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