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What is an RSS feed?

...enable content to beon different websites clearly and in a uniform Format. Reduced loading times: Since RSS feeds only display one version of the content, they take significantly less time to load than the full...

What is an XML feed?

...existing elements. Automated processing: Thanks to the standardized Formats, XML feeds can easily beon Comand applications, enabling automatic updating and dissemination of the data.on content is possible. Comprehensible structure: Although...

What are talking URLs?

...settings can be customized. For individually developed web projects, it is advisable to von Implement a clean, logically structured URL architecture right from the start. Summary Speaking URLs are user-friendly and search engine-optimized web addresses that...

What is CSS optimization?

...code should be well organized and structured to facilitate maintenance and further development. Use von Shorthand-Features: Shorthand-Properties enable the simplification and reduction of von CSS statements by combining multiple properties into a single...

How good landing pages are built

...too many navigation options or through external links, which are mainly used byon distract from the actual content of the landing page. Conclusion on the landing page The landing page is, if it is appealing and also anhand

Horizon fair

Horizon fair

Horizon Trade fair In cooperation with Dawico Deutschland GmbH (IT infrastructure), the web portal for SCOPE Messestrategie GmbH (Horizon trade fair). As a specialized WordPress agency, we were in charge of the...

Successful agency briefing: tips and tricks for briefing 

...and contractual aspects Contractual agreements and legal aspects should also be considered in the agency briefing. These include issues relating to liability, intellectual property, data protection and andother legal matters. It is advisable to...

What is a PHP?

...embedded and enables the interaction with databases and andother server-side technologies. Basics von PHP PHP is open source and cross-platform, which means that you can run PHP code on different operating systems such as Windows,...

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