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Activate WordPress debug mode

WordPress is a versatile and user-friendly content management system (CMS) that is used by millions of people worldwide. But sometimes problems can arise when creating or managing a website. This is exactly where...

Social Media

...with meaningful and passimages and graphics so that you can soon enjoy lots of friends, contacts and likes. But before we get down to work, here's a little...

What is a GIF?

A GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) is a file format for digital images that is used by CompuServe was developed in 1987. The file format is especially known for its ability to create short animations....

What is a cookie notice?

A cookie notice is a message displayed on a web page to tell visitors that the page uses cookies. Cookies are small files that are stored on the Computer or mobile...

CodeIgniter Shop

...revised and subjected to a relaunch. The entire e-Commerce system was to be completely revised both visually and technically. The new store website impresses with a fresh, modern and above all clear design, as well as...

What is a Responsive Web Design? to be adapted. This means that the content and displays of a website for different devices such as desktop-Comcomputers, laptops, tablets and smartphones to provide a user-friendly and easily navigable experience.

SPD Parliamentary Group in the Leverkusen City Council

...a specially developed management system based on custom post types was integrated into the theme. Services: Customer contact and consulting Concept and layout Implementation of the website in HTML5 and CSS3 Customization of...

Krähenmann Autocenter AG - Zurich

Krähenmann Autocenter AG - Zurich On behalf of the Swiss agency outThe website of Autocenter Krähenmann in Zurich was programmed and brought online with the help of the WordPress -perform team. The website is based on WordPress and offers...

Mühldorfer Travel

Mühldorfer Travel In cooperation with the Swiss agency out-perform created the website for the German hotel outfitter Mühldorfer. The company Mühldorfer from the Bavarian Forest primarily equips hotels with high-quality...

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