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WordPress Berlin

...Management System WordPress is a so-called Content Management System (CMS). WordPress websites are compared to many andsystems with relatively little effort.and to wait...

What is image optimization?

...Choosing the right file type: Choosing the right file type is another important aspect of image optimization. PNG, JPEG, GIF and WebP are the most common ones. Formate. Any Format has its own...

10 marketing trends 2024

...innovative marketing strategies, ranging from the forThese range from the advancing development of artificial intelligence to the increasing influence of influencers and the use of immersive technologies such as virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR). These...

WordPress Support the WordPress website you will find here. " Free support-Foren for Community Support can be found here. Maintenance If you are interested in a WordPress maintenance contract and would like to have the usual maintenance work for...

What is WordPress?

...WordPress a large and active Community, there are extensive resources such as tutorials, Foren and blogs to find help and support. Use of WordPress in online marketing agencies Online marketing agencies often use...

The ECJ makes digital time recording mandatory

The ECJ makes digital time recording mandatory

...member states. Due to the Corona pandemic and the upcoming Bundestag elections in the fall of 2021, this ruling has been passed in Germany.and not initially transposed into national law. There are exceptions for small businesses. Planned...

What are Broken Links?

Broken Links, also known as tobroken links are links that no longer work because they refer to a non-existent website or resource. This can be caused by a...

What is a plugin?

...of websites easier. Popular CMS platforms such as WordPress offer a wide range of plugins that help to implement specific marketing actions such as SEO (search engine optimization), SEA (Search Engine Advertising) and social media marketing to implement and...

What is a 404 error?

...possibility is the use of Webmaster-Tools like Google Search Console, which can help identify and fix errors on a website. Webmasters can also create custom 404 error pages,...

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