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WordPress updates - update your website correctly

WordPress updates - update your website correctly

WordPress is one of the most widely used content management systems (CMS) in the world. The popularity of WordPress is due to its user-friendliness, the wide range of expansion options through plugins and a large, active community that is constantly developing the system. This continuous development brings with it regular updates for the CMS and the plugins used. These updates are essential to keep your website safe, current and functional to hold.

Safety as the top priority

The Security Your website is the Most important reasonto regularly carry out new WordPress updates. The widespread use of WordPress makes it a favorite target for hackers. Security vulnerabilities discovered in older versions can be exploited to gain unauthorized access to your website. Regular updates close these gaps and protect your website from potential attacks. By installing the latest security updates, you minimize the risk of your website being compromised.

Improved performance and speed

Updates not only contribute to security, but also improve the performance of your website. Each new version of WordPress aims to improve the Increase efficiencyfor example by reducing the number of database queries. This leads to a faster loading time and an overall better performance of your website. A fast-loading website is not only more user-friendly, but also has a positive effect on search engine rankings.

New functions and optimizations

With every WordPress update New functions and Optimizations that improve the user experience. For example, the Gutenberg editor was introduced in WordPress 5, which enables block-based editing of content. Version 5.5 brought the "Lazy Loading" feature, which improves loading times by delaying the loading of images. Regular updates ensure that your website always benefits from the latest technologies and functions.

Types of WordPress updates

WordPress updates can be divided into three categories: Major version updates (major), minor version updates (minor) and security updates (patch).

Preparation for an update

A few precautions should be taken before you carry out an update:

How often should a WordPress update be carried out?

The Regular updating updates are crucial for the security and performance of your website. But how often should these updates be carried out? Here are some guidelines to help you find the optimal time for updates.

Security updates (patch)

As a rule, all two to three months security updates have been released. These updates close critical security gaps and should therefore be installed immediately to protect your website from potential threats. Regularly checking whether new security updates are available is therefore essential.

Major version updates (Major)

Extensive Changes and new functions included the updates of the main version. These are released approximately every published for three to four years. As these new WordPress versions involve major changes, they should be carefully planned and tested. Thorough preparation, including backups and compatibility checks, is particularly important here.

Minor version update (Minor)

Updates of this type include New features, bug fixes and performance and security improvements. These are more frequently than major version updates, but less frequently than security updates usually several times a year. It is advisable to carry out these updates promptly to ensure the best possible performance and security of your website.

Regular maintenance intervals

To ensure that your website is always up to date, you should Regular maintenance intervals plan.


Plugins: An often overlooked aspect of updating

Why plugin updates are important

Plugins significantly extend the functionality of your WordPress website, but they also bring additional responsibility with it. Just like the WordPress core system, plugins also need to be updated regularly. In some cases, these updates are more relevant for plugins than the regular WordPress updates and should be handled with particular care. Unlike the WordPress core, there is no central authority that checks plugins before they are published. Any developer can create and publish plugins, which means that the quality and security of these extensions can vary greatly.

Be careful when installing and updating plugins

When installing and updating plugins Caution requiredas new features and changes may be introduced that are not always beneficial. You should be particularly careful with major version jumps. Here are some important steps you should follow.

Frequency of plugin updates

The frequency of plugin updates is often higher than that of WordPress core updates. While WordPress major and minor version updates are released at longer intervals, many plugins receive monthly or even weekly updates. This is because plugins are often maintained by smaller teams of developers who can respond quickly to security issues and user feedback.

What to consider when updating plugins

When updating plugins, there are a few important points to bear in mind:

Updates for themes: an important part of maintenance

Themes are a decisive factor for the Appearance and the user-friendliness of your WordPress website. Similar to plugins and the WordPress core, regular updates for themes are essential to ensure the security, performance and compatibility of your website.

Why theme updates are important

Theme updates close security loopholes, fix bugs and often offer new functions or new features. Design improvements. An outdated theme can harbor security risks that are fixed by newer versions. New updates can also contain performance improvements that make your website faster and more responsive.

Frequency of theme updates

Themes generally receive updates less frequently than plugins, but it is still important to update them. to be installed promptly. The frequency may vary depending on the theme and development team. Some premium themes offer more frequent updates to respond to user feedback and security requirements.


The Regular updating of WordPress is essential to ensure the security, performance and functionality of your website. Consistent updates protect your online presence from security risks while ensuring that your site meets the latest technological standards. A well-maintained website not only provides a better user experience, but also contributes to Positive for ranking in search engines with. By setting up regular maintenance intervals - weekly security checks, monthly performance and feature updates and annual major maintenance - you ensure that your website remains reliable and up to date.

Creating backups and checking the compatibility of plugins and themes before every major update are essential steps to ensure the long-term integrity and functionality of your website. We understand that maintaining your WordPress website can be a time-consuming and often technically challenging task. We therefore offer you our supportto ensure that your website is always up to date and functions optimally. Do not hesitate to contact usif you need help with maintenance work. We are at your disposal to keep your website up to date as well as safe and efficient.

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