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WordPress website: Tutorial for beginners

WordPress website: Tutorial for beginners

Getting started with WordPress can seem overwhelming at first, but with the right Tips and tricks you can design your own website effectively and securely with WordPress. This article is aimed at Beginners and offers you a WordPress tutorial, on basic functions such as changing your username, setting up permalinks, choosing plugins, themes and more. Whether it's creating SEO-friendly URLs or choosing the right plugins and themes, we cover everything to get you off to a smooth start.

If you have any questions or uncertainties, we will be happy to assist you and support you with solutions that are right for you.

Change user name

The default setting for the WordPress user name is "Admin". This in combination with a weak password is like an invitation for Cyberattacks.

How to change your user name:

Create user-friendly permalinks

Choosing the right permalink structure is crucial for the Search engine optimization (SEO) of your WordPress website. Standard permalinks, such as, are functional but do not provide users or search engines with relevant information about the content of the page. A URL that meaningful keywords can improve the visibility of your website and make it more user-friendly. You can customize the structure of permalinks in the WordPress settings.

Access to the permalink settings:

Log in to your WordPress dashboard and navigate to "Settings" and then to "Permalinks". Various adjustments to your URL structure are possible here.

Selection of an SEO-friendly option:

Advantages of an optimized permalink structure

Improved SEO:

Increased click rate:

Better user experience:

Optimal plugin selection for your website

Plugins extend the functionality of your WordPress website, but excessive or ill-considered use can lead to problems. It is therefore crucial, to choose carefullywhich plugins are installed.

Install plugins with caution

Installing too many plugins can damage your website. slow downwhich Impair safety and even to Leading conflictsthat affect the functionality of your site. Here are some tips on how to choose the best plugins for your needs:

Check source and updates


Choosing the right WordPress theme: free or paid?

Choosing the right theme is one of the most important decisions when building a WordPress website. Although free themes may seem attractive at first glance, paid themes offer a wide range of options. often significant advantagesthat can justify the additional price.

Advantages of paid themes:

Paid themes are usually an investment in the future of your website. Here are some reasons why you should invest in a premium theme:

When might a free theme be the right choice?

Despite the advantages of premium themes, there are situations in which a free theme may be sufficient:

 Before you decide on a theme, think about which functions and support you need. actually need. Consider both free and paid options and weigh up whether the long-term benefits of a premium theme justify the initial investment. A well-chosen theme can make the difference between an average and an outstanding website.


Importance of removing default content on new WordPress pages

When setting up a new WordPress website, one of the first tasks is to remove the default content. This is important to make your website look clean and professional from the start and to ensure that no irrelevant or Placeholder Content remains visible online.

Why immediate handling of standard content is important

Tips for the future

By proactively removing and managing default content, you ensure that your website has a clear structure from the outset and is free of unnecessary content. This improves both the user experience and the professional presentation of your online presence.

Setting up the navigation on your WordPress website

Setting up a clear and functional navigation structure is crucial for the User friendliness and efficiency of your WordPress website. Well-designed navigation helps visitors to quickly find the information they need and improves the overall impact of your website.

Basic steps for setting up effective navigation

Start by planning your main navigation elements. The usual categories that work reliably on most websites are:

Integration of data protection and legal notice

It is not only legal requiredbut also practical to make the privacy policy and legal notice accessible. These pages should be included in the footer of your website, as they are important but not the primary point of contact for most users.

Final tips

Favicons for your WordPress website

A favicon, short for "favorite icon", is a small but crucial Detailthat is often overlooked. It plays an important role in building brand identity and enhances the user experience on your website. The favicon appears in the browser address bar, on browser tabs, in bookmarks, search results and can even be displayed in the list of mobile apps if your website is added as a Progressive Web App (PWA).

Why is a favicon important?

Additional tips

A well-designed favicon can subtly but effectively help build trust and brand recognition. Although small, its impact on user experience and brand image should not be underestimated.


The importance of regular backups

Backing up your website is a fundamental measure to prevent data loss due to technical errors, hacker attacks or other unforeseen events. Regular backups ensure that you can quickly restore your website and continue operations without major interruptions.

Reasons for regular backups

How to set up effective backups

Additional options

Regular backups are an investment in the security and longevity of your website. By implementing a robust backup system, you minimize the risk of data loss and ensure the continuous availability of your online presence.


Choose the right image formats for your WordPress website

Choosing the right image format is decisive for the Loading times of your website and the quality of the images displayed. Each format has its strengths and weaknesses, depending on the type of content you want to display. Here is a guide to help you decide which format is best for different types of images.


PNG: Perfect for graphics with transparency

JPG: Ideal for photographic images

GIF: Limited to simple animations and graphics


Paying attention to these simple but essential aspects of website management will help you build a professional and functioning WordPress website. From security to SEO to usability, every detail counts. Always keep this in mind, regular Backups to back up your data and choose image formats that optimize the loading speed of your site. With these tips, you'll be well-positioned to effectively manage your online presence and impress your visitors with an optimally designed and feature-rich site. Start well informed and take advantage of the extensive customization options available to you.

If you Need supportwe will be happy to help you ensure optimal use of your WordPress websiteso that you can stand out from the competition.


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