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Create a WordPress backup: Back up your website regularly

Create a WordPress backup: Back up your website regularly

In today's digital world, a website is often the Centerpiece of a company or personal brand. Therefore, it is crucial to make your WordPress website back up regularly. Backups protect against data loss, whether due to server outages, hacker attacks or human error. There are various methods for performing backups, including manual backups and automated solutions using plugins such as UpdraftPlus, BackWPup and Jetpack VaultPress. In this article, you will learn why regular backups are important and which tools and methods you can use for this. Do you need help with this or would you like to use your limited time differently? Then we are happy to support you with our Maintenance service, Please contact us if you have any further questions.

What is a backup?

A backup is a copy of your data that is stored at a safe place is stored so that it can be used in the event of Restore lost data to be able to. For a WordPress website, a backup usually includes the database, the WordPress core files, your themes, plugins and any other custom files required to run your website. There are various methods for creating backups, including manual backups, which are performed via an FTP program and a database management tool, and automated backups, which are performed by special plugins or services.

Complete backup

A complete backup, also known as a full backup, includes the Backup of all data in a specific storage area. With this method, all files and databases are backed up in their entirety, regardless of whether they have changed since the last backup or not.

Advantages of a complete backup:

Disadvantages of a full backup:

Incremental backup

An incremental backup only backs up the data that has changed. since the last backup - be it a complete or an incremental - have changed. This means that only the new or changed data is saved for each backup process.

Advantages of an incremental backup

Disadvantages of an incremental backup

How often should backups be performed?

The frequency of backups depends on the Actuality and the dynamics Your website from. A static website that is rarely updated may need less frequent backups than an active blog or an online store that receives orders daily. As a general rule, you should back up your website at least weekly should be backed up. In the case of frequent changes or high activity, it may be advisable to perform daily backups.

Why are backups important?

Create a manual backup

Manually creating a backup of your WordPress website is a valuable skill that gives you more control and understanding of your website. Although it more time-consuming and potentially more error-prone than using backup plugins, it gives you the Flexibilityto customize the process according to your needs.

Preparation and requirements

Before you start the backup process, you need access to your web server. This can be done via an FTP client (e.g. FileZilla). Make sure that you have the access data for your server and your database to hand. You can view these under the FTP menu item in the customer area of your web host.

Back up your WordPress website files

Checking and saving the backup

Check the downloaded files and the database to ensure that everything is correct. was correctly secured. Save the backup files in a secure location, preferably on a external hard disk or in a Cloud-Storage service.

Save database

The database is the heart of your website and is often even more important than your images and other files. All settings, links and content that are essential for the functionality of your website are stored in the database.

When the database is corrupted, your website is unusable. Even if you have backed up all files and folders, your website cannot work properly without the database intact. WordPress needs the information from the database to know how to process and display the data. Therefore, it is crucial to create regular backups of your database to fully protect your website.

Advantages and disadvantages of manual backups



Our maintenance service

The care and maintenance of a website is a decisive factor for business success. We at Bajorat-Media ensure that you can concentrate on your core business without having to worry about the technical details of your WordPress website. We have made it our mission to provide you with the Maintenance to decrease. Get in touch with us if we can help you.

A comprehensive maintenance concept for your website

Our services go far beyond simple updates. We offer you a Comprehensive maintenance conceptwhich covers various essential aspects.

Daily cloud backups

Your data is in safe hands with us. Through daily cloud backups, we ensure that your valuable information is always secured and can be restored quickly in an emergency.


Security vulnerabilities and threats on the Internet are constantly increasing. We monitor your website continuously for potential threats and take proactive measures to protect your website.

Performance and uptime monitoring

A fast and constantly available website is essential for the success of your company. Our performance and uptime monitoring ensures that your website is up and running at all times. runs optimally and is accessible for your customers.

Customized maintenance packages for individual needs

Every website is unique and has specific requirements. That's why we offer customized maintenance packages that are tailored exactly to your needs. Our services include, among other things:

Professional expertise for your data security

We have specialized knowledge and Extensive experience in the field of data backup. We are always familiar with the latest technologies and best practices to store your data securely and restore it if necessary.

Fast recovery in an emergency

In the event of data loss or failure of your website, we are able to provide a Fast and efficient recovery to ensure that your website is up and running. This minimizes downtime and allows you to get your website back online quickly so that your business can continue to run smoothly.

Plugins for backups

The use of plugins to create backups in WordPress offers a convenient and often automated Possibility to back up your website. To reduce the effort of a manual backup, or if you don't have the confidence to do so, appropriate plugins are a good alternative.

Selection of a suitable plugin

There are many backup plugins for WordPress that offer a variety of features. Some of the most popular and reliable plugins are:



UpdraftPlus is one of the most popular and most commonly used backup plugin for WordPress. It offers a variety of features that make it an excellent choice for backing up your website.
UpdraftPlus is a powerful and easy-to-use versatile Backup plugin for WordPress that offers many useful features in both the free and premium versions. The free version is great for most basic backup needs, while the premium version offers additional benefits and advanced features that are particularly useful for larger websites or users with specific requirements.


Differences between the free and premium versions

While the free version of UpdraftPlus already offers many useful functions, there are some additional benefits and extended functions in the premium version.



The premium version of UpdraftPlus is offered in various price models:


Despite the many advantages UpdraftPlus offers as a backup plugin for WordPress, there are some disadvantages that users should be aware of.



BackWPup is a widespread WordPress backup plugin that offers many useful features to securely store your website data.

BackWPup is an excellent choice for website owners looking for a reliable and user-friendly backup solution that offers both basic and advanced features.



Differences between the free and premium versions

The free version of BackWPup offers basic backup functions that are sufficient for many small to medium-sized websites. The premium version, known as BackWPup Pro, extends these functions considerably.


The premium version of BackWPup is competitively priced and offers a good balance between cost and features:



Although BackWPup offers many advantages, there are also some disadvantages that should be taken into account.


Jetpack VaultPress Backup

Jetpack VaultPress Backupformerly known as VaultPress, is a backup plugin for WordPress developed by Automattic, the creators of It offers a comprehensive solution for backing up and restoring WordPress websites.



Jetpack VaultPress Backup offers different plans that can be selected depending on the specific requirements of your website.

Compared to the other plugins, Jetpack allows you to purchase individual products/functions if you do not need a complete package. Additional functions can also be added to a package.




Regular backups of your WordPress website are essentialto prevent the loss of important data and ensure the security of your website. Manual backups offer control and flexibility, but are time-consuming and error-prone. Automated backup plugins such as UpdraftPlus, BackWPup and Jetpack VaultPress offer user-friendly and efficient solutions. While UpdraftPlus and BackWPup impress with their versatility and flexibility, Jetpack VaultPress scores with its simple setup and comprehensive security. Choosing the right backup tool depends on your specific requirements and budget. Invest in regular backups to protect the integrity and availability of your website. If we can help you with your website maintenance needs, please contact us.

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