Google Analytics Germanized
Google Analytics Germanized helps with the privacy-compliant integration of Google Analytics, offers a modern interface and lots of additional settings like functions.
Google Analytics Germanized
Google Analytics, Cookie Notice & DSGVO Solution
Do you want to integrate Google Analytics in compliance with EU data protection law? Google Analytics Germanized takes care of the technical integration for you and helps you with the data protection-compliant setup.
Installed in just a few steps, in a simple 3-step configuration!
The most important thing first of all - the Google Opt-Out link. With this you can make sure that your visitors can disable Google Analytics functions if they wish. Also, the plugin is preconfigured with active Anonymize IP.
But that's not all, because privacy-friendly plugin meets extensive tracking settings. In the advanced settings of the plugin you get a wide range of additional options and settings, e.g.:
- Simple setup: Only the UA-ID is required, everything else is already preconfigured.
- Cookie Consent Integration for EU Cookie Directive
- Compatible with Google Site Tag and Universal Analytics Code
- Google Analytics opt-out shortcode for privacy policy
- Google Analytics integration can be disabled if only the opt-out and cookie content should be used. So the actual integration can be done via a third party plugin or tag manager.
- Compatible with eRecht24 generated privacy statements (the plugin takes care of the corresponding opt-out JavaScript)
- Anonymize IP is integrated and active by default
- Demographics and Interests Reports.
- Tracking outbound links (Outbound Link Tracking)
- Enhanced Link Attribution
- Custom Code integration (Custom Code integration)
Google Analytics Germanized helps you integrate in a privacy-compliant way, is easy to use and takes just two clicks to set up.
If you have already integrated Google Analytics via another plugin, you can also use Google Analytics Germanized only for generating an opt-out link or cookie notice. Corresponding settings are available.
What are you waiting for? Download and use Google Analytics Germanized for free now.
The plugin is available in English and German. The screenshots show the English version.

Setup area (also available in German)
Advanced settings (also available in German)