Create SEO-friendly URL structure

Create Seo-friendly URL structure

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October 9, 2024

The URL structure of your website plays a crucial role in search engine optimization (SEO) and user-friendliness. A well thought-out URL can not only improve your ranking in search engines, but also increase the trust and satisfaction of your visitors. In this article, you will learn how to create the ideal URL structure and which aspects you should take into account. 

Create Seo-friendly URL structure

Choosing the right domain

Country code top-level domains (ccTLDs)

If your website is aimed at a specific geographical audience, it is advisable to use a country-specific domain. Examples of this are 

  • .de for Germany
  • .at for Austria 
  • .ch for Switzerland

These domains signal to both users and search engines that your content is relevant for a specific country. The physical location of your server is irrelevant; what matters is the domain extension. By using a ccTLD, you can strengthen the regional relevance of your website, which can have a positive effect on your ranking in local search results.

Generic top-level domains (gTLDs) with subdomains

If you want to address an international audience, generic top-level domains such as .com, .org or .net are a good choice. However, you can use subdomains to enable a geographical allocation:

  • for the German market
  • for the French market

However, you should note that users may not immediately recognize the geographical reference at first glance. It is therefore important to clearly communicate on your website which regions your content is intended for. You should also consider using hreflang tags (The hreflang tag is an HTML attribute that helps search engines such as Google to display the correct language or country version of a website for the respective user. It signals that there are alternative versions of the same page in different languages or for different countries) to tell search engines the language and region assignment of your page.

Create clear and meaningful URLs 

Short and concise URLs

A short and clear URL is easier for users to read and remember. Long and complex URLs can act as a deterrent and reduce the click rate. Please note the following tips:

  • Avoid unnecessary words: Reduce your URL to the essentials.
  • No filler words: Words such as "and", "or", "but" can usually be omitted.
  • Include relevant keywords: Use terms that accurately describe the content of the page.

Example: Instead of, use

Avoidance of numbers and special characters

Numbers and special characters in URLs can be confusing and often appear dubious. They make both readability for the user and indexing by search engines more difficult. You should therefore avoid them:

  • Random number sequences: They offer no added value and can unnecessarily lengthen the URL.
  • Special characters such as "&", "%", "$": These can lead to technical problems and make the URL illegible.


Use of keywords

Integrate relevant keywords

Including relevant keywords in your URL can increase your visibility in search engines. Search engines use the URL as one of the factors to understand the content of a page. Tips for keyword usage:

  • Focus on the main keyword: Place the most important keyword at the beginning of the URL if possible.
  • Avoid keyword stuffing: Excessive use of keywords has a negative effect on the ranking.

Example: is more meaningful than

Separation by hyphens

For better readability and indexing, you should separate words in the URL with hyphens:

  • Hyphens (-) are recognized by search engines as hyphenated words.
  • Underscores (_) or other special characters should be avoided, as they are not always interpreted correctly.

Example: instead of

Create Seo-friendly URL structure

Consistent and simple URL structure

Flat hierarchies

A flat URL structure makes it easier for both users and search engines to find their way around your website:

  • Maximum three levels: Try not to use more than three directory levels.
  • Avoid unnecessary subfolders: Each additional folder lengthens the URL and can make navigation more difficult.

Example: instead of

Standardized naming

Consistency in the naming of your URLs is important:

  • Use a standardized scheme: This facilitates website maintenance and orientation for the user.
  • Avoid using different spellings: Decide whether to use lower or upper case and stick to it consistently.


Technical optimizations

Secure connection with HTTPS

A secure connection is standard today and is rated positively by search engines:

  • Install SSL certificate: Protect your users' data with an encrypted connection.
  • Prefer HTTPS: Google and other search engines prefer secure websites in their rankings.

Mobile optimization

As more and more users access websites via mobile devices, mobile optimization is essential:

  • Responsive design: Make sure that your website is displayed correctly on all devices.
  • Mobile-friendly URLs: Make sure that the URLs can also be read and clicked on mobile devices.


Use of sitemaps and Robots.txt

XML sitemaps

A sitemap helps search engines to discover all the pages of your website:

  • Creation of a sitemap: Use tools or plugins to automatically generate a sitemap.
  • Regular updates: If changes are made, the sitemap should be updated and resubmitted to search engines.

Robots.txt file

You can use the Robots.txt file to control the access of search engine crawlers to your website:

  • Block irrelevant pages: Exclude pages that should not be indexed, such as internal search results.
  • Avoid mistakes: Incorrect entries can lead to important pages not being indexed.

Create Seo-friendly URL structure

Dealing with dynamic content

Avoidance of dynamic URLs

Dynamic URLs often contain many parameters and are less user-friendly:

  • Use URL rewriting: Convert dynamic URLs into static ones to increase readability.
  • Minimize parameters: Limit the number of URL parameters to the bare minimum.

Example: instead of

Canonical tags

To avoid duplicate content, you should use canonical tags:

  • Set skin version: Point search engines to the preferred version of a page.
  • Strengthen ranking: By concentrating on one URL, you increase the authority of this page.


Monitoring and adaptation

Analysis of URL performance

Monitor the performance of your URLs regularly:

  • Use Google AnalyticsAnalyze metrics such as bounce rate, dwell time and page views.
  • Identify anomaliesHigh bounce rates can indicate problems with the URL or the content.

Regular review

The online world is dynamic, so you should check your URL structure regularly:

  • Correct incorrect linksCheck for 404 errors and redirect them correctly.
  • Plan updatesMajor changes should be well planned and communicated in order to avoid SEO losses.


Additional best practices

Localization and internationalization

If you are addressing an international audience:

  • Use hreflang tags: Inform search engines about the language and region assignment of your pages.
  • Take cultural differences into account: Adapt content and keywords to the respective target group.

Use of redirects

When changing URLs, it is important to set up redirects:

  • Use 301 redirects: Redirect old URLs permanently to the new ones to get linkjuice and rankings.
  • Avoidance of 404 errors: Clean forwarding improves the user experience.


A clear URL structure also supports the accessibility of your website:

  • Clear designation: Make navigation easier for users with restrictions.
  • Compatibility with screen readers: Well-structured URLs can be better interpreted by assistive technologies.


Summary of the most important points

  • Choose a suitable domain: Use country-specific or generic domains according to your target group.
  • Create clear URLs: Short, concise and with relevant keywords.
  • Technical optimizations: Use HTTPS, ensure mobile optimization.
  • Retain structure: Use consistent and simple hierarchies.
  • Carry out monitoring: Regular analysis and adaptation of the URL structure.

Create Seo-friendly URL structure


Designing the ideal URL structure requires careful planning and regular maintenance. A clear, consistent and user-friendly URL structure not only improves the visibility of your website in search engines, but also offers your visitors a better user experience. By implementing the strategies and best practices presented here, you will lay the foundation for the long-term success of your website.

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