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The Ultimate Guide: Presenting your retail store online with Local SEA

The Ultimate Guide: Presenting your retail store online with Local SEA

Increase the success of your local store through online advertising? In our guide, we show you how! Learn about the advantages of Local SEA and use targeted online advertising for your retail store.

In the competition between physical retail and e-commerce, a combination of the two approaches is increasingly emerging - omnichannel marketing. With tools like Google's Performance Max, local retailers can now also advertise effectively online.

For years now, search engine advertising has offered attractive options for reaching targeted customers in the vicinity. In particular, retailers with stores in specific regions can increase their visibility in this way.

The principle of local advertising

The result of local advertising? It minimizes wastage. Business managers can target potential buyers who are actually interested in their products. This not only reduces advertising costs, but also increases conversions. Advertising in specific cities or regions is often less expensive because they face less competition.

However, many merchants have not used these marketing opportunities in the past or have only used them partially due to their complexity. Google has developed Performance Max, an easy-to-use solution that allows even less experienced merchants to advertise efficiently.

Performance Max: The tool for local marketing

Performance Max makes it possible to target local product ranges with Local Ads and Local Inventory Ads. It offers a variety of options for local businesses. Launched two years ago, the campaign type lets you access the entire Google Ads inventory with just one campaign. Not only are the display and search networks supported, but also YouTube, Discover, Gmail and Maps.

For example, ads can be targeted to search terms with a regional connection or via maps when potential customers search for specific companies in a map area.

In the past, Google has talked about how AI technology will be used in the advertising industry.

Read more here: Artificial intelligence in the advertising business: Google plans AI-driven ads


Set up and maintain Performance Max campaign

Retailers can either promote their location exclusively with Local Ads or combine this with the Inventory Feed in the Merchant Center. In this way, they can link the local location to the availability and price of specific inventory products.

To place search engine advertising in this way, local providers first need a Google Ads account. Here you create the Local Inventory Ads campaign as a Performance Max variant. The special feature of Performance Max is its high degree of automation for creating ads. This provides advertisers with high-quality and diverse image, video, and text resources without having to create elaborate advertising materials of their own.

Increased visibility and reach

Google Performance Max Local is equipped with extensive analytics and tracking tools that allow businesses to measure and optimize the performance of their ads. This allows businesses to focus their ad spend on the ads and keywords that perform best.

In addition, where relevant data is available or can be captured by measuring store visits, retailers can combine online and offline activities to run multi-channel promotions.

Ultimately, local businesses can increase their visibility with a local SEA strategy and achieve additional sales and conversions through additional store visitors. Overall, Google thus offers a powerful platform to advertise products locally.

Our commitment: making your local SEA strategy a success

As an accomplished marketing agency, we offer much more than what has been described in this article. Our core offering lies in the development and implementation of effective local SEA Strategies.
With in-depth knowledge that covers exactly what this article describes, we are available to help you make your business successful in the digital world.

Our experts have extensive know-how and use state-of-the-art tools to ensure that your online advertising is optimally tailored to your target group. We analyze the specifics of your local market, identify relevant keywords, and create engaging ads that effectively attract customers.

But our work does not end with the Creation of your SEA campaign. We continuously manage your ads, measure their performance and optimize them accordingly to achieve maximum results.

Imagine your retail store being visible not only on your street, but also throughout the Internet, attracting targeted potential customers from your region. With our help, this vision can become a reality.

Join us and let us pave the way for your digital success together. Realize the full potential of your store with our help. Start your journey into the digital world today with us as a reliable partner. Your digital transformation starts here and now. Contact us today, and together we'll make your retail store a true competitor in the digital space.

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