Controlling indexing in WordPress: How and why? 

Controlling indexing in WordPress: How and why? 

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August 15, 2024

Controlling indexing in WordPress is crucial for the SEO performance of your website. It allows you to specifically determine which pages should be captured by a search engine. This allows you to avoid duplicate content, protect sensitive content and make optimal use of the crawl budget. We can help you to implement these processes efficiently in order to increase the visibility of your website. optimally positioned for search engines.

Controlling indexing in WordPress: How and why? 

Reasons for controlling indexing

Avoidance of duplicate content

Duplicate content can make it difficult for search engines to determine the most relevant version of a page, which can have a negative impact on rankings. Through targeted control, you can prevent search engines from doing this and ensure that only one version of the content is indexed, increasing clarity for search engines.

Protection of sensitive data

Some pages, such as internal search results, admin areas or private user profiles, should not be publicly accessible. By excluding these pages from indexing, you protect sensitive information and prevent unwanted content from appearing in the search results.

Efficient use of the crawl budget

Search engines have a limited crawl budget for each website. This means that not all pages of a website are captured every time they are visited. By excluding unimportant or irrelevant pages from indexing, you ensure that search engines focus their resources on the most valuable pages.


Methods for controlling indexing

Robots.txt file

The Robots.txt file gives instructions to search engine crawlers as to which parts of your website may be searched. You can exclude entire directories or individual files here. However, it is important to configure this file correctly so as not to inadvertently exclude important content.

Meta tags

With meta tags such as "noindex", "nofollow" and "noarchive" in the HTML header of a page, you can control which pages should be indexed. The "noindex" tag prevents indexing, while "nofollow" instructs search engines not to follow the links on it. These tags are particularly useful for specifically controlling the indexing of individual pages.


An XML sitemap is a list of the URL of your website that you make available to search engines. This file helps search engines to find the most important pages and crawl them efficiently. It should be updated regularly to ensure that new and updated content is captured quickly.

Controlling indexing in WordPress: How and why? 

Extended measures

Canonical tags

Canonical tags are useful to indicate to search engines which version of a page is the main version, especially when similar content is available on multiple URLs. This helps to avoid duplicate content and strengthen the ranking of the preferred page.

Noindex-Follow combination

This combination of meta tags makes it possible to exclude a page from indexing while allowing search engines to follow the links on that page. This can be useful to optimize the PageRank flow without indexing the content itself.

Private or protected areas

For content that should only be accessible to certain user groups, you can use plugins or password protection. This ensures that these pages are not indexed and displayed in search results.


Implemented in WordPress

Effective indexing control with Yoast SEO and Rank Math in WordPress

A plugin like Yoast SEO or Rank Math offer user-friendly interfaces for controlling indexing. They allow you to set meta tags, edit the Robots.txt file and create sitemaps. The indexing of your website is a decisive factor for its visibility in search engines. In WordPress, however, there are only limited options for controlling indexing by default. This is where powerful SEO plugins come into play, making it easier for you to control the indexing of your content.

Yoast SEO

Yoast SEO is one of the most widely used SEO plugins for WordPress and offers a user-friendly interface to control the indexing of your website. With this plugin you can:

  • Set meta tags: Meta tags are small pieces of information that tell search engines how a page should be indexed. Yoast SEO allows you to create individual meta tags for each page or post. You can specify whether a page should be indexed or excluded from indexing. You can also add meta descriptions that can improve the click-through rate in search engine results.
  • Robots.txt - Edit file: The Robots.txt file is another important tool for controlling indexing. With Yoast SEO, you can edit this file directly from the WordPress dashboard. You can define which parts of your website should be searched and indexed by search engine crawlers and which should not.
  • Create sitemaps: Sitemaps are structured files that give search engines an overview of the pages on your website. Yoast SEO automatically generates an XML sitemap for your website and updates it regularly when new content is added. This ensures that all important pages of your website are found and indexed by search engines.

Rank Math

Rank Math is another popular SEO plugin for WordPress that offers a variety of features to control indexing. Like Yoast SEO, Rank Math allows detailed control over meta tags, the robots.txt file and sitemaps. In addition, Rank Math offers some advanced features:

  • Advanced indexing options: Rank Math offers even more detailed settings for indexing. For example, you can specify whether certain media types such as images or PDFs should be indexed. You can also define user-defined parameters for search engines to control indexing even more specifically.
  • Automatic recommendations: Rank Math analyzes your content and gives you recommendations to improve SEO settings, including indexing. These recommendations are based on the latest SEO practices and can help you optimize your website for search engines.
  • Extended sitemap options: Rank Math also offers more flexibility when it comes to sitemaps. You can create multiple sitemaps that cover different areas of your website and customize them individually. This is particularly useful for large websites with a lot of content that require targeted indexing.

Manual adjustments

Experienced users can implement specific indexing rules through custom code snippets or by editing the .htaccess file. However, this requires technical knowledge and should be done with caution to avoid unwanted effects.

Regular monitoring

It's important to regularly review and adjust indexing policies to ensure they meet current SEO goals and standards. Tools like Google Search Console can help you identify and fix issues.

Controlling indexing in WordPress: How and why? 


Controlling indexing in WordPress is a critical part of any SEO (search engine optimization) strategy. By taking targeted measures, you can ensure that your website is visible on Google for relevant search queries, that the crawl budget is used efficiently and that sensitive content remains protected. With the right tools and techniques, you can optimally control the indexation of your website and sustainably improve your SEO performance. If you need support in implementing these strategies, please feel free to contact us.

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