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Google AdWords: New customers in no time at all

Google AdWords: New customers in no time at all

Google AdWords: New customers in no time at all

"Why should I pay for clicks, aren't they free?" In terms of AdWords marketing, many entrepreneurs are unsure and do not understand what the paid advertising - pay per click - should really bring. True horror scenarios play out in front of the inner eye and not infrequently nightmares occur. Contents are clicking noises, which shrink the company account and let any budget roll into the negative. Stop! We put an end to these scenarios by explaining the advantages and the process of AdWords marketing and by showing you why this strategy costs money - but is a real booster for your turnover.

How to keep the costs low in PPC

In advance: The AdWords marketing itself costs nothing. With a little experience and creative ideas, you can develop your campaigns yourself and program the publishing period to suit your needs. BUT, without the right keywords and a little know-how, the nightmare will come true and your AdWords campaign will be a money burning machine. Explicitly, it's about finding the right - high click - keywords and avoiding the keywords that are already well populated by your competitors and therefore expensive. Because with Google AdWords the click price is based on the frequency of a keyword, you can deliberately make the financial expenditure for your campaigns favorable. With two concrete decisions you avoid unnecessary expenses and have the guarantee to appear at the right place at the right time and provide the final impulse for a potential customer.

Let the professional do Google AdWords for you. An expert analyzes and finds high-click, low-cost keywords and plans the publication time and intervals based on your objective and the search for your offer.

AdWords Marketing (Google Ads) gets you noticed and talked about

Surely you know the feeling that the Internet knows more about you than you think possible. You know those little ads that refer to recently viewed articles and literally want to steer you back to the offer? These campaigns are Google AdWords ads, which, you have to be honest with yourself, have in some cases led to success for you as well. Now you turn the tables and "track" your customers who have looked around the website, clicked on products, maybe even put them in the shopping cart and yet left your site undone. By targeting the overlays, you motivate people to take another closer look and actually complete the purchase they've already made subconsciously. Only by making yourself visible can you compete and get into the customer's attention and preference before your competitors.

Conversions don't happen by chance!

Anyone who sits back and relaxes and believes that a top website and a good product are enough for lively sales is sorely mistaken. Not every customer makes ad hoc decisions and tends to order from the first store they visit. Numerous competitors, price search engines and comparison portals stand in the way of your success. To get around these hurdles and establish yourself, you need to do something for conversions. Google AdWords offers an immense increase in conversion rate, which is not solely related to sales. You can also use Google AdWords as a potential boost to your success in terms of newsletter signups or closer inquiries. Sometimes a prospect needs an extra "push" and this is where AdWords campaigns come into play. By presenting the product that they are actually interested in, the person being approached will look more closely at the topic and usually respond by clicking on the offer in a timely manner.

Good keywords can be this cheap

Creativity is the key here. If you analyze the most frequently used keywords, you have already written a detailed "exclusion list". Because it is not the search terms that are used by your competitors, but keyword alternatives and synonyms, very much also long-tail keywords and word groups that are ideal for AdWords marketing. The less a search term you have chosen is used by your competitors, the more favorable the click price. You should therefore invest as much energy as possible in the research that is important in advance, and in this way ensure that you achieve a low click price and still target the right customers. The analyses of suitable keywords represent the biggest pitfall in Google AdWords marketing. If you book keywords that are too expensive, the campaign will not necessarily help you increase your sales despite numerous clicks. Planning and developing your campaigns with expertise is optimal to take advantage of this strategy and really take off with paid advertising.

A note: As you surely know, the ads appear before the organic search results in Google. Therefore, you make an important contribution to more visibility with AdWords at the same time and can optimize your ranking and the associated visibility sustainably.

AdWords is not a panacea, but the opportunity with the least wastage

Please do not assume that Google AdWords is sufficient as a sole strategy. Only in combination with comprehensive and suitable online marketing strategies, as well as a positive SEO, AdWords is a multiplier of success. If you now have the creation of your campaigns done by a professional, nothing stands in the way of a steep career without nightmares of high financial expenses. Your competitors no longer have to worry you, because you are in control of your success and leave nothing to chance. PPC perfects any advertising concept and is suitable for all industries, products and services. By the way - you can design AdWords campaigns not only with texts, but also with pictorial content and increase the attention span of interested people. Scattering losses are a thing of the past, as a well-planned AdWords campaign presented at the right time ensures decision-making and thus your sales increase.


Marketing costs money. Investments bring success. AdWords multiplies.

Without financial effort you remain invisible. Online marketing is an investment you make in your successful business and in attracting new customers. The more versatile and extensive you advertise, the more unerringly you proceed. With AdWords you take up one of the most important strategies and can only win through professionalism in analysis, conception and execution. We offer you core-competent support.

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