Create successful about us pages

Create successful about us pages

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August 22, 2024

About us pages are much more than just a brief company description. They play a central role in it, Trust with your potential customers - both in the B2B and B2C sectors. But what elements should be included on such a page? How do the requirements differ in the B2B and B2C sectors? And how can a creative Team introduction strengthen the credibility of your company? Answers to these questions and valuable tips on how to design your About Us page can be found in this article.

Create successful about us pages

What do B2B and B2C mean?

B2B (business-to-business) and B2C (business-to-consumer) are terms that describe the nature of business relationships. B2B refers to transactions in which companies sell products or services to other companies. In this context Specialist knowledge, Professionalism and long-term Partnerships in the foreground. B2C, on the other hand, describes the relationship between companies and end consumers, i.e. private individuals. Here are a Personal approach, emotional attachment and Customer satisfaction central elements to promote the sale of products or services. While B2B often relies on factual information and technical details, the focus in the B2C sector is on a positive customer experience and brand identity.

The value of an about us page: building trust and winning customers

Have you ever shopped online and wondered whether the website is trustworthy? Trust plays a crucial role, especially for high-quality products or services. A well-structured about us page provides an excellent opportunity to present your company, your values and your goals. This creates Transparency and helps to convince potential customers. Such a page not only gives an insight into the company, but also introduces the team behind the products or services. This gives your company a face and promotes the Trust the user.

About us page and EEAT: Why it's so important

EEAT stands for Expertise, Experience, Authoritativeness and Trust (Competence, Experience, Authority and Trust) - criteria that Google is increasingly including in its evaluation of websites. Your about us page can make a decisive contribution to strengthening these factors. By emphasizing your company's expertise and experience and pointing out references, partners and successes, you can convince both the search engines and your potential customers. Especially in recent updates, Google has confirmed that the credibility of a page is a key ranking factor. Your about us page should therefore not only be informative, but also convincing.

B2B vs. B2C: Specific requirements for About Us pages

The requirements for an about us page differ considerably depending on whether it is created for the B2B or B2C sector. In the B2B sector, the focus is on presenting professional expertise, many years of experience and successful partnerships. Detailed information on company history, milestones and leading employees is particularly important here. Contact information should also be visible to facilitate direct communication. In the B2C sector, on the other hand, the focus is on emotional aspects and brand personality. Stories about the corporate philosophy, customer feedback and social responsibility can be particularly effective in establishing a personal connection with customers. The visual design plays a greater role in the B2C sector in order to present the brand in an appealing and memorable way.

Create successful about us pages

Important differences between B2B and B2C About Us pages

Target group and tonality

  • B2B: Here you are primarily talking about Business customers which is why a more formal, technical language is appropriate. The focus is on professionalism and expertise. 
  • B2C: The approach should be more personal and emotional in order to create a bond with the customer. End customers produce. 

Content focus

  • B2B: Expertise, references, Company history and the presentation of the management are central elements. 
  • B2C: Emotional brand presentations, customer proximity and Social responsibility are the focus here.

Visual design

  • B2B: Clear and structured designs with professional graphics and data visualization are required here.
  • B2C: A creative and Emotional imagery and a colorful design can help to underline the brand identity.

Call-to-action (CTA)

  • B2B: Invitations to Contact us for business inquiries or partnerships are particularly important here. 
  • B2C: Buying incentives, Discounts or direct links to product pages can be useful in the B2C sector.

Building trust

  • B2B: Certificates, awards and Success stories strengthen confidence in your professional competence.
  • B2C: Customer ratings, Testimonials and guarantees are effective ways of building credibility.


The team presentation: A personal insight into your company

A well-crafted team introduction on your website can work wonders. It allows users to get to know the people behind the company, which makes the Strengthens trust and authenticity. Whether serious or humorous - the type of presentation should suit your company. A friendly photo and a few personal facts about the employees' careers or hobbies can help to build a real connection with customers. If your company consists of different teams, you can also present them separately. This allows you to do justice to the different departments individually and highlight their specific characteristics.

Contact information and call-to-action: The final step to interaction

An about us page should not only provide information, but also invite interaction. Contact information should therefore Clear and easily accessible be. Well-placed calls to action, such as a contact form or a button that leads directly to the contact details, make it easier for users to get in touch with you.

Tips for a convincing about us page

  • Easy navigation:
    The about us page should be easily accessible from any other page on the website.
  • Structured presentation:
    A division into sub-pages, such as "Company stories", "Philosophy" and "Team", can increase clarity.
  • Show personality:
    Photos of employees and personal stories are more effective than general company photos.
  • Integrate feedback:
    Positive customer quotes or press reports can further strengthen trust.


A well-designed about us page can contribute significantly to the Success of your company. It strengthens user trust, supports your EEAT factors and enables you to present yourself optimally to both search engines and potential customers. Whether you Support with the creation of your about us page or would like a creative team presentation - we will be happy to assist you.


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