What is on-page SEO?

On-page SEO involves optimizing web pages for higher ranking and relevant keywords. Learn more about the essential elements of on-page SEO.

What is on-page SEO?

On-page SEO, also referred to as on-site SEO, refers to the optimization of individual web pages in order to achieve a higher ranking in search engines and increased visibility for relevant keywords. Unlike off-page SEO, which focuses on external factors such as backlinks, on-page SEO focuses on factors located on the website itself.

Elements of on-page SEO

There are several factors that influence on-page optimization:

  • Keyword research: Identifying relevant and effective keywords that are searched by the target audience is a crucial step in optimization. These keywords should be used in the content, meta tags and alt tags of the images.
  • Page structure: A clearly organized and logically structured website allows both users and search engine crawlers to easily navigate the site and quickly find the information they need.
  • Title tags: Title tags are the headings that summarize the content of a web page and appear in search engine results. Good title tags are concise and contain the most important keywords.
  • Meta descriptions: Meta descriptions are short sections of text in search engine results that describe the content of each web page. An appealing and keyword-optimized meta description can lead to higher click-through rates (CTR) and thus more visitors.
  • Contents: High quality, unique and informative content is crucial for the success of on-page optimization. This not only helps improve relevance for selected keywords, but also provides added value for website visitors.
  • Internal linking: A good internal linking structure helps both search engines and users to quickly find relevant and thematically appropriate content. This in turn can help to improve the ranking.
  • Optimization of images: Image optimization includes the use of alt text, correct naming of image files, and compression of images. This promotes accessibility and improves website loading times.
  • Responsive design: A mobile-friendly website that adapts to different screen sizes has become indispensable. Search engines like Google prefer responsive websites in their ranking assessment.


On-page SEO is an essential part of a successful SEO strategy and should always be applied in combination with off-page SEO techniques. Optimization of content, page structure and other elements has a positive effect on the ranking in search engine results and thus on the visibility of a website.

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