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12 plugins to improve and optimize WordPress search

...options to customize the search results page. Price: From $99 per year. 3. SearchWP Ajax Live SearchWP Ajax Live is an addonPlugin for SearchWP, which provides live Ajax search results. This addon improves the existing...

Email marketing: The best tools, landing pages and ads. Automation: Automated campaigns, such as welcome emails and follow-ups, help to manage customer relationships efficiently. Integrations: An extensive range of integrations with e-Complatforms, CRM systems and andextended with other tools...

10 Technology trends 2024 cybersecurity are diverse and include the defense ofon phishing attacks, ransomware, data leaks and anderen Formen von cybercrime. Companies and organizations must therefore forinvest in advanced security measures to protect their networks and...

This is why your company cannot do without white papers

...on high quality content. Whitepaper: modern knowledge transfer in a practical eBook-Form If you spend a lot of time on company websites, you often come across Downloadlinks for whitepapers. The small eBooks with about five...

WordPress course

...the icing on the cake, so to speak. Mega!" Rating: 5 von 5 stars Award-winning partners Over the years, the Bajorat Media agency has received awards from various portals, partners and, last but not least, customers.

Optimize WordPress: The best SEO plugins for 2024 optimize search engines, All-In can-One-SEO plugins can be particularly beneficial. These comprehensive tools offer a wide range ofon Functions that cover all essential aspects of SEO. Von the optimization of your content...

What is a DNA?

...".com" in the example. The root name server then gives the resolver the address of an authoritative name server for the domain Finally, the resolver asks the authoritative name server for the IP address for the...

Outsourcing>United StatesAmerican SamoaGuamNorthern Mariana IslandsPuerto RicoAfghanistanÅland IslandsAlbaniaAlgeria#AndorraAngolaAnguillaAntarcticaAntigua and BarbudaArgentinaArmeniaArubaAustraliaAustriaAzerbaijanBahamasBahrain

Embed Google Fonts in WordPress locally & DSGVO compliant

Embed Google Fonts in WordPress locally & DSGVO compliant

...current warnings can be found at andYou can find them here: Warning letters to website operators with Google fonts ( Wave of warnings due to Google web fonts - How to react correctly; with sample letter (WILDE BEUGER SOLMECKE) How do I recognize...

Take off with Sass / SCSS

...even within a few hours) a response to your questions. Workmaterial All relevant examples from the course are included as code templates, so you can not only easily recreate them, but also...

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