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WordPress course a complete starter package so you can get started with WordPress right away! Over 11 hours of video material Including WordPress premium theme On mobile devices, TV and ComView puter Unlimited lifetime access Support from trainers and...

Email marketing: The best tools

...innovative e-mail marketing platform designed specifically for e-Commerce companies. The software is characterized by its user-friendly interface and the integration of powerful automation functions that make it possible to create personalized marketing campaigns with ease.

10 Technology trends 2024

...a groundbreaking development is imminent: Quantum Computing. This advanced technology has the potential to fundamentally change the IT industry. Quantum ComComputers are characterized by their ability to perform extraordinarily complex calculations in...

Take off with Sass / SCSS

...Media Course Price: . Current offer for 29,99€ incl. VAT. In addition to the command line, you will learn the following popular sass-Compiler / software know: PhpStorm, CodeKit, Compassport and ScoutApp. This course "Getting started with Sass...


...innovative and timeless project. Amadeus FiRe - Academy Conception and development of the information offer for the online academy of Amadeus FiRe AG. VDE Medical Software For the VDE the Community and...

Responsive web design

...concept with which you are positioned economically efficient and reach new customers. Address potential customers with your website not only on the home Computer or in the office but...

What is a DNA?

...".com" in the example. The root name server then gives the resolver the address of an authoritative name server for the domain Finally, the resolver asks the authoritative name server for the IP address for the...

Automation and AI / AI integration

AI integration: More efficiency and customer satisfaction through AI Optimization of processes and customer experience through intelligent technologies. Artificial intelligence (AI) has already gained a firm foothold in the world of marketing,...


WordPress and WooCommerce Together a strong team for your e-Commerce success. No matter where your customers are, with an online store you are also already there and available worldwide. Your E-Commerce entry...

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